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About moreVocabulary and LanguageTutor
Knowing a limited number of foreign words takes you a little way, but you really need to know a lot of words to truly communicate with people in another country.
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We at moreVocabulary have learned several languages and now want to share some of our own experience and help others with the LanguageTutor software on our web site. We are very focused on sharing and talking about research and our software. Join us on Facebook, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, Orkut, Xanga, Twitter and blogs such as WordPress or Blogger to learn more about our highly effective software for learning more vocabulary.
Better than flashcards without the cards. We have organized the lessons like never before!
Juggle your memory and keep remembering what you have learned ... for a long, long time!
The key to learning a new language is vocabulary - and that's one of the toughest skills to master.
Language experts have found: - In a typical high school or college course, most students forget 90% of what they've learned after only a few days. - Knowing a limited number of foreign words takes you a little way, but you really need to know a lot of words to truly communicate with people in another country. - Trying to learn words in statements, such as a sentence or phrase, is tedious and won't help you much. - Learning new words one by one, and testing your new knowledge frequently inside and outside class, is the most effective way to build your vocabulary - and still remember those words weeks later. Many studies exist to support these facts.
At moreVocabulary, we have applied our own experience in learning languages and have assembled ideas and proven techniques from teachers and linguists around the world to make LanguageTutor available to you at a very low cost.
Use LanguageTutor for building up advanced vocabulary. Use StudentTutor for learning the basic words you need to remember.

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