Words should be learned in context, such as in a sentence or in a text.  A word’s meaning is inferred from context and therefore better retained.
Terms & Conditions
1) In a typical high school or college course, most students forget 90% of what they've learned after only a few days.
2) Knowing a limited number of foreign words takes you a little way, but you really need to know a lot of words to truly communicate with people in another country.
3) Words should be learned in context, such as in a sentence or in a text.  A word’s meaning is inferred from context and therefore better retained.
4) Testing your vocabulary is a clear indication of progress, makes you aware of your knowledge gaps and stimulates your vocabulary acquisition in a good way.
5) Trying to learn words in statements, such as a sentence or phrase, is tedious and won't help you much.
6) Learning new words one by one, and testing your new knowledge frequently inside and outside class, is the most effective way to build your vocabulary - and still remember those words weeks later.
7) It is better to test you vocabulary knowledge on a regular basis separately and outside of a class room or other learning setting.
Spaced repetition is essential to remembering words over the long run.
The key to learning a new language is vocabulary - and that's one of the toughest skills to master. Language experts have found:
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